Beyond the breach: Risk vs Investment

Join our virtual event live from London where you will learn:

  • The role cyber insurance plays in mitigating risk
  • Risk vs Investment – how to make your cyber budgets work smarter
  • Global Threat Landscape – a look back at the last 12 months

February 15th, 8am (PST), 11am (EST), 4pm (GMT), 5pm (CEST)*

*Not able to join live due to your time zone or other priorities? No worries, we've got you covered. Just register and you'll receive the recording in your mailbox after the event.

There is no doubt cyber security continues to be one of the biggest talking points the world over - whether it's being caught in the crosshairs of grey zone hostile cyber activity or the accidental target of commoditised attacks it’s certainly a hot topic. 

Live Q&A 

Our CEO Mike Maddison will kick us off with a live Q&A session hosted by Geoff White, BBC journalist. 

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The event will then delve into the challenges of mitigating security risks when budgets are under increased scrutiny, changes in cyber security spend and insurance, and how to make the tools and technologies at your disposal work smarter.

With two streams… 

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